

Embracing the curved topography of its canyon location, the Schulman Residence blends with the natural contours of its site and the vegetation of its surroundings, bonding with the landscape. The house is set on an ample canyon lot with a large, informal back yard gently defined by three hillside slopes. An underground garage minimizes the intrusion of automobiles on the property.

To separate public and private spaces the 9,000 square foot residence is broken into a pair of two-story wings that subtly pay homage, both in form and materials, to the traditions of early California Modernists. The original parti of two symmetrical wings was modified to meet site constraints and programmatic requirements, instead carving out a landscaped forecourt in an approach conceived as a journey of transition from chaos to tranquility. The north wing containing the master suite on the upper floor is aligned with the slope, and is further articulated with clerestories and a greenhouse addition. At the juncture of the two wings, an entry gallery and a double-height living form a central unifying space. A floating bridge joins the two upper floors, spanning the width of the entrance gallery and heightening the symmetry of the wings.

The architect fused crisp geometry with warmth and refinement of detail.”

Michael Webb


Brentwood, CA




9,000 sf


  • Winters-Schram Associates - General Contractor
  • Robert Cornell & Associates - Landscape
  • Stephen Perlof Consulting Engineers - Structural
  • Kalifeh & Associates - Mechanical
  • Luis Ortega Design Studio - Interior


  • Tom Bonner Kathlene Persoff


  • 1997 AIA|National (Architecture)
  • 1995 AIA|California Council, Merit Award
  • Sunset|AIA Western Home Award, Merit Award
  • 1994 Los Angeles Business Council Architecture Awards
  • 1992 AIA|Los Angeles, Honor Award
  • Publications

  • 2012 Los Angeles Confidential
  • 1993 Architectural Digest
  • Houses