Ehrlich Architects will be busy at the National Convention! The following is a list of key events, including our receiving official confirmation of the 2015 AIA National Firm Award during the final keynote on Saturday, May 16, 2015. We hope you can join or follow us on social media (#AIAcon15) to watch the events unfold.
Thursday, May 14
7:00 - 9:00pm: AIA Committee on Design (COD) Awards Dinner and Reception, High Museum of Art - Atrium. This dinner celebrates the design achievements of the individuals associated with the AIA's Committee on Design awards - a who's who of recipients that includes recipients of the Gold Medal, Firm Award, and Twenty-five Year Award among others.
Thursday, May 14
9:00pm - midnight: Ehrlich Architects Firm Award Celebration, High Museum of Art - Anne Cox Chambers and Piazza. Ehrlich Architects is excited to host a reception for friends, colleagues and peers as we celebrate our Firm Award. RSVP to join us!
Friday, May 15
11:30am - 12:15pm: Ehrlich Architects Book Signing. Founding Partner Steven Ehrlich and Partner Takashi Yanai will sign copies of the firm's two latest monographs at the AIA Convention Bookstore.
Saturday, May 16
8:30 - 9:30am: General Session SA203 - 2015 AIA Architecture Firm Award: Understanding an Inspirational Practice. Structured as a moderated panel discussion among the Ehrlich Architects Partners about our work, business practices, and culture, this general session is a an up close and personal look into the practice as the 2015 Architecture Firm Award winner.
Saturday, May 16
2:00 - 3:30pm: General Session GS300: Final Convention Keynote. As the final session of the convention, Ehrlich Architects will be officially presented with the Firm Award. Founding Partner Steven Ehrlich will also participate in a moderated panel discussion during this keynote entitled "The Business of Architecture". The panelists (including Curtis Moody of Moody Nolan; Katharine Darnstadt of Latent Design; and Mark Ripple of Eskew+Dumez+Ripple) will discuss maintaining as well as growing their businesses through high and low economic cycles and over the long-term.